Club Resources
General Documents
Australianised Membership Form
District Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency 2024/25
Contact for latest copy
Name Badge and Trophy Order Form
New Member Certificate
In order to view this document correctly, save a copy and open it in Word.
Club Budget and Ledger
This spreadsheet can be used by clubs to set a budget for the year and track their incomings and outgoings against this budget on a daily basis.
Forwarding Basecamp emails from FreeToastHost (FTH)
Club Meeting Roles
The success of a club meeting depends on the participants. At each meeting, there are many roles to fill and they play an important part in making the club experience enjoyable.
Below is a list of the club meeting roles. Click on the title for a brief description and resources to help fulfil each role. Please note that roles and responsibilities may vary slightly from club to club, so check with your club officers when you are assigned a role.
Ah Counter
The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note any overused words or filler sounds.
The Grammarian helps club members improve their grammar and vocabulary
Taking on this role improves time management skills.
The Toastmaster is a meeting’s director and host.
Taking on this role improves organization skills, time management and facilitation skills.
Every speaker is a role model and club members learn from one another’s speeches.
Table Topics helps members develop their impromptu speaking skills.
Evaluators provide verbal and written feedback to meeting speakers.
The General Evaluator evaluates everything that takes place during the club meeting.
Club Quality
Members join Toastmasters to become more effective communicators and leaders. They stay in Toastmasters because the club provides a valuable service and meets their individual needs. A quality club environment is the single most important factor in membership retention.
Utilize the tools and resources below to conduct top-performing club meetings, improve membership retention, and gain leadership tools.
Club Quality Checklist
Evaluate your club with this helpful resource
We all have ideas on what a perfect Toastmasters club is like. It involves enjoyable meetings, unlimited learning opportunities, friendly members … and what else?
This checklist offers you the chance to rate your club’s strengths and weaknesses against the “ideal.”
Click on the image to the right to download the checklist. Then follow these steps:
Complete the checklist.
Print or save the PDF.
Share it with your club president at your next club meeting.
Discuss which items on the checklist your club is already doing well and which you hope to implement or improve.

Club Growth
Club Constitution and Leadership
Club Officer Elections
Every club needs leaders who can work with and motivate others to move the club forward. Electing these club officers is a critical aspect of a club’s success; those in leadership roles should make it a point to actively identify other members with leadership potential and encourage them to serve.
The frequency of elections depends on how often the club meets. Clubs that meet weekly may elect officers annually or semi-annually. If the club elects semiannually, elections are held at the first meeting in May and again at the first meeting in November. Clubs that meet less frequently than weekly must elect officers annually, with the elections in May.
Annual office terms must run from July 1 through June 30; semi-annual terms must run from July 1 through December 31 and January 1 through June 30. Holding elections at any other time is in direct conflict with the Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International and Bylaws of Toastmasters International.
A quorum—a majority of the active members—is needed to conduct club business, including electing officers. Proxies or absentee ballots are not allowed at the club level. Members must be in good standing and present to vote.
When your club has elected new officers, the current president or secretary should submit their names and contact information to World Headquarters online through Club Central.
If your club is not able to submit its officer list online, you can complete and submit the Club and Officer Information Form. Submit one copy to your club for its records and one copy to World Headquarters via email.
Deadlines for all submission types are June 30 for annual elections and June 30 and December 31 for semi-annual elections.
Club Officer Agreement and Release Statement
World Headquarters wants to thank you for your service in the 2020-2021 program year as club officers and the time and dedication you provided to your clubs to make them a success. World Headquarters is also excited to announce a new resource for club operations. The Club Officer Agreement and Release Statement has been created to provide clear guidelines and expectations for club officers each program year.
This form is signed by each club officer each term and retained with the club’s records. This form will help the club and officers remain accountable to one another. As one of your final acts for the 2020-2021 program year, please have this form completed by each officer who will take office on July 1, 2021.
Club Officer 360-Degree Evaluation
This evaluation resource should be used to help club officers as part of their leadership development process. By allowing members and fellow club officers to complete the evaluation, officers will have a better understanding of their perceived strengths and areas for improvement.

Moments of Truth
Moments of Truth is an essential tool to help facilitate the club Executives and the members to reflect the club’s standing. The Moments of Truth will help you find out how you do on:
- First impressions
- Membership Orientation
- Fellowship, Variety, and Communications
- Program Plan and Meeting organisation
- Membership Strength
- Achievement Recognition
In summary, you can flush out the good, the bad, the OK, the do’s, the don’t and more.
Just be ‘truthful’ to yourself, your executives and your follow club members!
- Success Club Series
- Better Speaker Series
- Leadership Excellence Series
The Successful Club Series Set is no longer available in print. A single package of the presentations listed below is available here to download.
Modules in this series address the quality of club meetings and offer tips on attracting and maintaining members. A complete set of The Successful Club Series modules, including outlines and PowerPoint presentations.
The series includes:
- Moments Of Truth (Item 290)
- Finding New Members For Your Club (Item 291)
- Evaluate To Motivate (Item 292)
- Closing The Sale (Item 293)
- Creating The Best Club Climate (Item 294)
- Meeting Roles And Responsibilities (Item 295)
- Mentoring (Item 296)
- Keeping The Commitment (Item 297)
- Going Beyond Our Club (Item 298)
- How To Be A Distinguished Club (Item 299)
- The Toastmasters Educational Program (Item 300)
The Better Speaker Series modules are designed as 10-15 minute educational speeches to be given in your club. They give practical tips that can be of benefit to all members. ACS requirement. A complete set of The Better Speaker Series modules, including outlines and PowerPoint presentations.
The series includes:
- Beginning Your Speech (Item 270)
- Concluding Your Speech (Item 271)
- Controlling Your Fear (Item 272)
- Impromptu Speaking (Item 273)
- Selecting Your Topic (Item 274)
- Know Your Audience (Item 275)
- Organizing Your Speech (Item 276)
- Creating An Introduction (Item 277)
- Preparation And Practice (Item 278)
- Using Body Language (Item 279)
The Leadership Excellence Club Series Set is no longer available in print. A single package of the presentations listed below is available here to download.
The Leadership Excellence Series helps members learn the skills they will need to be successful leaders inside and outside Toastmasters. Fulfills ALB requirement. A complete set of The Leadership Excellence Series modules, including scripts and PowerPoint presentations.
The series includes:
- The Visionary Leader (Item 311)
- Developing A Mission (Item 312)
- Values and Leadership (Item 313)
- Goal Setting And Planning (Item 314)
- Delegate To Empower (Item 315)
- Building A Team (Item 316)
- Giving Effective Feedback (Item 317)
- The Leader as a Coach (Item 318)
- Motivating People (Item 319)
- Service And Leadership (Item 320)
- Resolving Conflict (Item 321)