Division, Area and Club Statistics

Get to know how your Area and Clubs are doing. Toastmasters International produces “Daily Updates” on what is happening with membership numbers, reports submitted on time, and how many many clubs have achieved Distinguished status. To find out how to use the “Dashboard” visit:

    1. DASHBOARD: dashboards.toastmasters.org/Division.aspx?id=90&hideclub=1
    2. AREA “TO DO’S”: http://reports2.toastmasters.org/
    3. DAILY UPDATE REPORTS: https://dashboards.toastmasters.org/UpdateReports.aspx
    4. ARCHIVES OF CLUB INFORMATION: http://www.marshalls.org/tmtools/
    • District currently has seven (7) Divisions: Cumberland, Eastern, Hawkesbury, Macquarie, Northern, Oxley and Western.
    • Each Division has about six to eight Areas.
    • Each Area has has about three to seven Clubs.
    • Currently club membership ranges from five (5) to 48 members. (Clubs require 8 members to be an eligible club.)
    • The “Dashboard” is a publicly available website with tons of information to track progress in your club, area, division, district, regions, and globally.
    • Just type in your Club #, or go to your Region 12 then click on District 90.
    • There are three (3) tabs: 1) District Performance; 2) Division and Area Performance; and 3) Club Performance (for individual Clubs).
    • Club Performance (see list below):
      • Membership Base: Shows the members numbers at the start of the year.
      • Membership ToDate: Is the current membership status (this fluctuates during renewals at end of September and March).
      • Goals Met: The number of goals clubs have achieved. 5 goals (Distinguished); 7 goals (Select Distinguished), 9+ goals (President’s Distinguished)
      • Edu: P1-P2-P3-P4-P5-P6 are the number of Pathways Levels required by members to meet that that goal.
      • Membership goals (4 each).
      • Trn: Training Goals achieved by Club Officers (minimum 4 required for CLT + ACLT).
      • Rn.|Lst. Dues submitted on time in by end of October and end of March; Club Officer list submitted on time by end of June.
    • Toastmasters International Dashboard: dashboards.toastmasters.org/district.aspx?id=90&hideclub=1
    • This can also be accessed via www.toastmasters.org > go to Leadership Central > go to Distinguished Performance Reports


    • Toastmasters year is from 1 June to 30 July.
    • To achieve “Distinguished” Club, minimum 5 goals must be achieved + a net growth of 5 members (or 20 current members).
    • Select Distinguished is when a Club achieves 7 goals.
    • The highest goal is the President’s Distinguished Club with 9+ goals.


1. Four Level 1 awards achieved

2. Two Level 2 awards achieved

3. Two more Level 2 awards achieved

4. Two Level 3 awards achieved

5. One Level 4, Level 5, or DTM award achieved

6. One more Level 4, Level 5, or DTM award achieved

7. Four new, dual, or reinstating members

8. Four more new, dual, or reinstating members

9. A minimum of four club officer roles trained during each of the two training periods


10. On-time payment of membership dues accompanied by the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) for one period and on-time submission of one club officer list

The 4 Categories of Membership renewals are:

    1. Verified complete [date]: Club submitted membership renewals = active club
    2. **Renewals not here**: Club has not submitted any membership fees.
    3. Low – Minimum requirement not yet met: The club has not renewed the minimum eight (8) members.
    4. Ineligible – Minimum requirement not yet met: Club requires a minimum officers – Club President, Secretary and VP (VPE, VPM, VPPR) AND at – at least three of whom msut be members of the club during the previous renewal period.
    5. New Club [date]: The club is brand new
    • In the Toastmasters “Dashboard,” on the left-hand side is the navigation – click on “Daily Reports: “http://reports2.toastmasters.org/
    • The reports provide an update on how the each of the Areas, Divisions and Districts are progressing towards becoming Distinguished.
    • The District Summary provides a summary of how the District is doing compared to others globally, how Divisions and Areas are doing in completing their goals towards becoming Distinguished Division or Area.
    • It also tracks how many Area Club visits were completed by each Area, how many clubs have paid their renewals and how many are Distinguished.
    • Top performing Areas and Divisions are listed.
    • It shows how many Clubs require Coaches (clubs that have less than 12 members).
    • Top 10 clubs with highest education achievement is also listed.
    • District Reports opens the “Daily Update Reports” section above.
    • “Almost Distinguished Clubs” shows how close a club is to achieving their “Distinguished” Club status.
    • Area to do’s shows how many goals have been achieved to date and what is required to achieved “Distinguished” for respective Areas, Divisions and the District overall.