Home Events - Western Division D90 Workshop TIPS, TRICKS & TOOLS: 7 Learned “hacks” on how to promote your Toastmasters club on Social Media, with Marco Liporoni


19 Nov 2021


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

TIPS, TRICKS & TOOLS: 7 Learned “hacks” on how to promote your Toastmasters club on Social Media, with Marco Liporoni

Why are we Toastmasters?

Because we like learning new ideas and skills all the time. Right?

This is the webinar for you if you want to learn practical tips on how to create and post messages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tweeter … Seats are limited, so please register your interest.

You will learn how:

    1. Understand your Audience (why, who, how)
    2. Understand the Platforms (Fb, in, im, tw)
    3. Harvest ideas for Posts (google)
    4. Create Posts (excel)
    5. Create Images/Visuals (word/canvas)
    6. Schedule (buffer, Fb Creator Studio)
    7. Analyse results (Fb, in)