Find general documents for club use, details about Club Meeting Roles, how to conduct top-performing club meetings, improve membership retention and gain leadership tools.
A goal without a plan is just a dream. The goal of any Toastmasters club is to have a happy, healthy, vibrant club. But without a Club Success Plan, that goal is just a dream.
Resources for successfully marketing your club, bringing guests to meetings and converting them to members.
Learn tips and tricks to get your renewals in by 1 April or 1 October.
Information to provide to guests at your club meetings.
Information about setting up a website for your club using FreeToastHost (FTH)
The easy-Speak software allows Toastmaster clubs to automate their meeting planning and to track and support members’ development. It provides a full data management system, automating the agenda and freeing the VPE’s time to do what is important – support and encourage the members.
A Toastmasters club provides its members with a safe and supportive environment to become better communicators, leaders, and public speakers. For many, their club gives them a sense of belonging. In light of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many clubs are no longer able to meet in person and are now meeting online to protect the safety and well-being of its members.
Documents and resources for conducting a successful contest in-person or online.
Showcase the benefits of Toastmasters and how improved skills can transfer to the world outside Toastmasters.
Starting a new Toastmasters club is a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful resources to help you get a club together, and get it up and running faster and better.
Some of the most famous names in business have sponsored clubs, including AT&T, Bank of America, Chevron, eBay, Google, and Microsoft. Sponsored clubs provide their members with the confidence and communication skills to flourish in their jobs; as members are able to deliver stronger presentations at work, lead more productive staff meetings and relate better with clients and colleagues.
The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop consisting of eight one- to two-hour sessions that enable young people under the age of 18 to develop their communication and leadership skills through practical experience.
Gavel clubs are a way of providing the Toastmasters experience to groups who may be ineligible for regular membership due to age, or other circumstances.
Toastmasters and Rotary want to offer the best membership experience possible. There is much excitement about leveraging unique and similar strengths. A collaboration between our organizations can provide Toastmasters the opportunity to apply public-speaking and communication skills, make new connections, and possibly give back to your communities through a vast array of service projects.